People often go about the word numbing themselves to anything they don't want to deal with. They find some negative people, and decide to ignore them. They see angry people and ignore them. People even have the capacity to ignore abuse. It's a unique kind of blind-and-deafness that people have. I personally never have, and never will, understand this behavior.
One thing people do not realize is that certain people, emotional people, introverts, and empaths, for instance, do NOT have the capacity to ignore the world around them. They can walk away from it or fight it, but they can't not see it. They can't not hear it. It is as loud as a RAVE to them. So they cope how they can.
The first way that a lot of introverts, empaths and emotional beings deal with stress, negativity, and other "loud" situations, is they RUN. Other times, they can have PANIC ATTACKS. Sometimes, they get angry and aggressive, and they ATTACK. There are many ways that emotional people, empaths, and introverts react to stress, drama, and negativity.
Some of the things that will make them run are listed here...
~~Bullies and Trolls. (People who mock and insult them for their own twisted joy.)
~~Drama Queens. (The actual drama queens that feed off drama.)
~~Abuse (Physical, mental, or emotional abuse of the person by someone else.)
~~Constant Negativity (When people are always taking issue with the person't words or behaviors.)
There are other causes which will drive these types of people away, as well. It really depends on the person, and how they deal with things, emotionally and mentally. The most common triggers are above, but others may also come into play, such as TRAUMA or PEER PRESSURE.
People who don't like the emotional sensitivity of others will often use hurtful words like "Triggered" or "Snowflake" to put the person down and drive them into such frustration that they just leave. And often it works. It's a very toxic way of making the problem stop, but when there is no face-to-face contact, the abuser (And yes that is emotional abuse) feels no consequence or guilt for their actions. They don't have to see someone's hurt, or sometimes even, the victim's tears.
It is not uncommon to hear a story about someone committing suicide because of internet or real life bullies, simply because the bully held no regard for the other person't life and emotions. It is not uncommon for hurtful phrases and abuse of that nature to drive someone to the point of irreversible despair. WORDS HURT. Even if you don't mean them to. Even if you don't care. Even if it's "not your problem."
I could write so much more on this topic, but to summarize the concept of what I am writing about, people need to be more aware of the fact that not everyone can shut out the world. Some people just deal with abuse day in and day out, and are told to ignore it, and it will go away. I will tell you now, as someone who is always facing emotional abuse, that it NEVER went away. And it never will.
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