I have thought a lot about Corvid-19. I have considered how I would react if I became sick, and eventually died. I want to write a little bit about my thoughts relating to this scenario.
First off, I want to say that I am not afraid of death. I'm not scared of the mysterious unknown of afterlife that will follow, be it heaven and hell, reincarnation, empty existence, or whatever the true afterlife holds. I am, however, afraid of suffering. I'm afraid of being alone as I pass away from the mortal realm. I'm afraid of leaving this plane and being forgotten, the legacy I built with my entire life blowing away in the wind as the ashes that will remain after my passing.
My legacy that I choose to leave behind is love. Also, strength. But primarily, if I were to die tomorrow, I beg all of you to remember me and to reach out and love everyone you can. Love is one of the most powerful things you can bring to each other. It is so essential to life and survival.
I'm not afraid of passing away. I'm afraid of not being here to bring love to so many lonely people. There are so many out there who are judged, and hated, and ignored simply because they don't fit the normal standards for attraction. The most amazing thing you can do is let go of everything you think you love about people, and just reach out to everyone.
I have learned that I can love all kinds of people who I never thought I would be as close to as I have been. I have loved a homeless man. I have loved a badass self-acclaimed bitch. I have loved the young and the old, and many in between. I have loved neurotypical and highly unusual folk. I loved someone with a lycan spirit, someone who bonded with a demon, and a few Christians in my time. I've loved people from so many paths and walks of life.
The lesson I want you to take from this, is love doesn't care if you are a dark or light soul. Love doesn't care what entities you bond with or worship. If you give it enough room, love can be anyone.
If I died tomorrow, my last wish is that all of you love as many people as you can. And don't ever stop. Love more people every day. Tell people about the things you love about them. Mention their nice hair, their awesome outfit, their captivating eyes. But... try not to tell someone they have a cute butt... unless you're very close. ^.^
The world needs more love. And I need all of you to give it.
Stay safe. Be careful. Give all the love.
Blessed Be.