I finally reached adulthood. I work at a job I hate, just to scratch a few dollars together. There is no pride in a job like this. It's just too many things and too little time. Work, work, work. Clean up, wrap up, body aches, go home. We close up long after our official closing time, because I'm just not that fast. And I know they're disappointed. Every... single... day.
My own life is equally unpleasant. Most of the time, my friends are so busy living their lives, they forget I'm still here, missing them. Missing positive social time. I'd love to go for coffee and drinks, but over the last several years, I can't even get a handful of friends to visit for my birthday. So, sometimes I ask. Usually I don't. They're just too busy to make the trip.
Adulthood is about being tired, depressed, and over-all just hating every single day of your life. I worked really, really hard to stay upbeat and positive, and not let life get me down. I refused to grow up. I was youthful, playful, and silly. I don't even have time anymore to play online, and be silly there. All I do is work now. And I still don't have a car. All this work, and it's nowhere near enough to be able to truly live. I literally can't even obtain 2 jobs.
This is adulthood.