Saturday, March 18, 2017


Acceptance in a Non-Accepting World:
Accepting One's Self

In this world, we face judgments everyday by everyone. We shrug them off over and over. Sometimes we cry because it hurts. Sometimes we prove them wrong. Nonetheless, we must wade through a world of endless non-acceptance. Even those who make many friends, allies, and lovers will be judged by their peers. It's how we are taught, by our parents, by our friends, by people who we barely meet, in our daily lives.

We cannot change others, and their judgments, but we're taught how to cope with them and not let them affect us, and to try to rise above them. What we are not taught is how to not BECOME them. We are not taught how to not judge others. A certain level of judgment is needed, for survival. But the extent in which we judge is well beyond what's necessary.

To be healthy, strong individuals, we must first accept ourselves. Don't judge yourself; you've done that plenty enough. Each person, in order to "Know thyself" as the quote entails, must make a journey of self-discovery. Explore what makes you tick. Take note. Explore what quickens your heart. Take note of that too. Explore your emotions, even if they are few. Everyone has some emotions, even if they are little, quiet things, like the whisper of a cotton sheet across a bed.

Once you have learned about your "Surface You," as we'll call it for now, take the next step on your journey, toward your "Deeper You." This one is a little harder to do. It takes time, and energy, and most of all, practice.

The Surface You is spontaneous emotion, especially anger and love. It is also what makes you excited, what draws your attention, and what you think about in your few moments of idleness. The Deeper You comes from the heart, and the soul, like when someone closes their eyes, letting music flow through them, embracing it, becoming consumed by it.

It is also knowing your labels. Not negative, socially accepted labels like, "I'm so fat," or "I am awkward around people." Those are surface labels, and should be cast off for their own derogatory unfulfillment.  Those are judgments. We don't want those on the journey.

In the Deeper You, we learn our talents, our gifts, what makes us different, and special. When you go to a place full of unique people, like Con, you can see what others have embraced about themselves. There are people who label themselves a witch, a shaman, a mermaid, and many other titles people give to themselves. The journey you must take is to FIND YOUR LABEL. Who are you? What are you? Why are you as special as all of the others? I know you're special, but now it's time that you do, as well.

It took me years of studying different people, religions, spiritual callings, and even normal concepts before I got as far as calling myself a Lightworker, a Witch, and a Pagan. In my Surface Self,, I am just an awkward, strange girl, who doesn't fit in. But in my Deeper Self, I am special, unique, a healer, I am magical. I am special. I am special....... I am special.

I repeat that because in order to understand how you are supposed to find yourself, you need to SEE that word. It needs to break past the Surface You and into the Deeper You, and it needs to stick there, unforgotten. It needs to become art of you. Here's where you tell yourself, "I am special. I am unique. I am special." I know you're special, but now it's time for you to know.

There's nothing more I can tell my blog on this issue. Your journey is your own. Don't waste the time you were given here. Find yourself. Know yourself. WHO ARE YOU REALLY? I leave the answers up to you to learn. Good luck.

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